ES program

A green and yellow stripe with an arrow.

Imagine a world where Generation Z is not only making a difference but being rewarded for their efforts

Enter the ES program , where 2 billion young individuals have the opportunity to earn a sponsorship of one thousand dollars to a prestigious membership by completing three simple steps.

A yellow diamond with the number 1 in black.

The first step asks,
“What’s your dream?”

This question challenges participants to think about their passions and aspirations, pushing them to reach for the stars and dream big.

A yellow diamond with the number 2 on it.

The second step asks,
“Can you help better our world?”

This question encourages individuals to think beyond themselves and consider how they can positively impact their community and the world at large.

A yellow diamond with the number three in black.

But here’s
the catch

In order to receive the thousand dollars, participants must put in 300 community service hours to teach the importance of gratitude. This step not only benefits the community but also teaches valuable lessons in empathy and appreciation.

More than you think

The ES program is not just about the monetary reward, but about fostering a sense of porpuse and making a tangible impact. It is about encouraging Generation Z to strive for their dreams, help others, and spread gratitude.

So, what are you waiting for?

join the ES program and be a part of this inspiring movement. Dream big, make a difference, and earn your way to a prestigious membership – all while spreading positivity and gratitude in the world.